What is a Psychometric Test?

A psychometric assessment test is a scientific method to analyze the behavior aspect of people. The word Psychometric is actually a combination of two words: Psyche (mind) and Metric (related to measurement)With the help of this we can gauge if a particular person is suited for a job opening based on two core principles i.e., personality and ability. These tests are created to map an individual’s skills, personality traits, and attitude required to perform successfully on-the-job. The tests analyze the role fitment of a job prospect. Psychometric profiling assessments measure specific behavioral traits that often get missed out during interviews.

Who should take the Aptitude Test?

Children and Students
The earlier one starts, the better it is. One can build their future smartly using a Psychometric Test.
Schools and Colleges(insert Image)
Knowing the traits and trajectory of students and faculty is important to plan the visions and resources.
Working Professionals(insert Image)
Selecting the right field and getting success in it while balancing the personal life becomes easier.
Corporate Firms(insert Image)
Recruiting right and managing mindfully is what every office can benefit from, after all it is teamwork.
Psychometric Assessments - The Science behind it.
Psychometric testing originated in the early 20th century when French psychologist Alfred Binet did the first intelligence test in 1905.
China happens to be the first civilization that undertook psychometric testing while hiring in the military. Thereafter, armies of other nations relied on a personality test called Woodworth Personality Data Sheet in 1917 to shortlist able personals.
Even though the origin of psychometric testing dates back to ancient times, the modern-day psychometric test was, however, developed by statistician and psychologist Francis Galton. He is known as the ‘Father of Psychometrics,’ Galton first to coined the word ‘psychometric’. He designed a framework in the 1880s to assess people’s intelligence based on their motor and sensory skills. James McKeen Cattell, who named psychometric assessments as ‘mental tests,’ extended Galton’s work.
Modern-day psychometric assessments find their roots in 19th century France when physicians used them to identify patients who have a mental illness.
French psychologists Alfred Binet, Victor Henri, and Theodore Simon devised a psychometric test to assess young children with mental deficiencies. Their 15-year long development journey surfaced multiple aspects of human personality, such as mental and verbal skills. This ‘mental retardation’ test came to be known as the Binet-Simon test. In the latest edition of 2003 by Stanford researcher Lewis M. Terman, the test is now known as Stanford-Binet test. The psychometric test that has evolved over the ages continues to remain an integral part of modern-day recruitment and selection methods.
Why are Psychometric Tests Essential in Employment?
Psychometric tests are helpful in assessing the potential ability of examinees for particular job roles. With these tests comes the convenience of evaluating a variety of skills ranging from levels of knowledge, cognitive skills to personality assessment.
Objectivity- Traditional approach to hiring is dependent on interviews and flashy CV descriptions. Psychometric assessments remove this element of subjectivity in the decision-making approach and provide fair, biased-free talent assessment.
Accuracy- Psychometric evaluation enables recruiters to measure an individual’s abilities to process information, solve problems, and make decisions while also assessing their behavioral attributes. Using this evaluation, essential data on all candidates get generated that recruiters utilize to make rational decisions about candidates. 
Speed – even small-sized organizations receive numerous applications for available positions and that it would take a considerably long time to sift through all applications. Psychometric assessment enables companies to focus on the right candidates instead of dragging down the process.

Types of Psychometric Tests

1) Aptitude and Ability Tests
These tests evaluate the mental abilities of individuals. Having one right answer to each question, they allow people to answer the questions in a limited period. They test an individual’s critical thinking, logical reasoning, verbal ability and problem-solving skills. They assess how individuals use past experiences in novel situations. An aptitude test measures logical reasoning and verbal ability.
2) Personality and Aptitude Tests
Human behavior is an amalgamation of how individuals perceive and react to different situations. It is on this premise that personality tests are based on. They follow the OCEAN model of:
 Demystifying Human Nature with Psychometric Evaluation


In most cases, psychometrics includes a combination of personality and cognitive tests.
It stands to reason that each person is built differently, or rather – they have an idea of their own personality type. It could perhaps remain within the realm of polar opposites; reserved or outgoing, sensitive or thick-skinned.
Psychometricians and psychologists have tried to tease the science out of what defines personality, and if it makes sense to attribute individual differences to the way people think, feel or behave.
The Big Five Model is one of the most adopted models in the traits theory:
Introduction to the Big Five Model (OCEAN Model)
The Big Five Factor Model was developed in the 1970s by two research teams led by Robert R. McCrae, Paul Costa, Lewis Goldberg and Warren Norman. The model has a simplified human personality.
i) Openness
Individuals possessing this trait have a natural penchant towards adventure and art. They are curious, creative and open to change. Meanwhile, people averse to openness stick to their old routine, habits and keep new experiences at bay.
A shift in someone’s personality is next to impossible, however, the extent of openness tends to evolve in adulthood. This was observed by a group of researchers in 2011 when they analyzed the effects of psilocybin mushroom on a group of people. Consuming the hallucinogen made the controlled group more open with the effects lasting around a year. Thus, it was concluded that the results may have been permanent.
ii) Conscientiousness
People high on conscientiousness are organized and have a sense of responsibility. They have the drive to achieve their goals and are highly reliable. This trait has shown marked achievement on the job. People on the opposite side, however, are spontaneous and careless.
iii) Extraversion
Individuals that possess extraversion indicate various characteristics including sociability and talkativeness. They draw their energy from day-to-day social interactions or gatherings. Such individuals are mostly cheerful and assertive in their approach.
Meanwhile, introverts are a professor of ‘me time’. While the trait often gets mixed up with being shy, that’s not the case. Individuals with high introversion trait prefer smaller group activities when required and tend to enjoy their own company more.
iv) Agreeableness:
Agreeableness is indicative of a person’s kindness. Such individuals are trusting and helpful. On the other hand, disagreeable people are cold, suspicious of others and less cooperative.
It is interesting to note that disagreeable men earn more compared to their counterparts and women as they conform to traditional gender roles. The research paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology shows how agreeableness and income are inversely proportional and more negative for men than women.
v) Neuroticism:
Individuals possessing this trait worry a lot and oftentimes find themselves feeling depressed and anxious. People low on neuroticism are emotionally stable and exhibit calm and composure when faced with problems.
In the famous sitcom Seinfield, George has seen constantly cribbing and blaming everyone for his problems. He even goes as far as quitting his job for having denied access to a private bathroom. This is a classic example of neurosis.

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